Youth education is one of our iconic projects. We are striving to provide holistic support and opportunities for the young people, enlightening their talent and building on their strengths. We enable young people to gain and explore knowledge beyond the classroom through all our sponsorship programs in academic, art, science and cultural fields.
We established scholarship programs to support and encourage the youth who excel in academics and any fields. Meanwhile, we focus on the support of the underprivileged teenagers. Through the financial and academic support, we hope we can create the learning opportunities for them, and also encouraging teenagers who grown up with different backgrounds can overcome all difficulties, strive tirelessly to achieve their dreams, show their strengths, and forge ahead for their future.
We continue to co-organize volunteer activities with different organizations, connecting all sectors of society, and joining hands with the teenagers who are supported by MMF to participate in the services, embodying the spirit of “self-help and mutual help”.
We invite friends from all walks of life to join us in promoting good deeds. Through organizing charity dinners, charity auction, theme parties, donation-in-kind, and other activities, we raise donations and supplies for the Fund and projects which enabling us to organize more diverse projects and benefit more people in need.
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